From: lara
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2010 2:00 PM
To: Christopher Baer
Cc: Judy Baer; R_H Mayer; Fred Lopez
Subject: Fw: Todd Needs You
Katy forwarded your message. Why one human being would deliberately do this to another is beyond my understanding. I want you to know Robert and I will continue to think positive, healing, supportive thoughts. I know David Simon is working magic and sending healing mojo from upstairs.
Todd has many more mountains to climb, races to run, samba's to swing to, bathrooms to clear out, pigs to roast, wines to enjoy and songs to whistle; his good work in this world is not finshed.
Please let Todd know we're pulling for Team Beckett.
Lara & Robert
When I was a child, I told my mother that I feared death while I was very sick in bed. She told me that stubborn weeds never die. Once she said that, I realized that I was going to be ok. The humor she placed on her statement cheered me up and gave me strength to go through it.
ReplyDeleteWhile I’m sad to hear about Todd's accident I am also happy to hear about his recovery. Todd like me is a stubborn weed. Indication of his humor is present; I can only conclude he will come through!
My love goes to Todd and his family.