Thursday, November 11, 2010

Richmond Show | Thursday Nov 18th

Here are a couple of the pieces of work being shown next week in Richmond at Living on Grove (the show opens on Thursday November 18th at 5pm).  The work varies in size from 12 x 12 to 50 x 60 inches.

2010 Paintings | Christopher Baer

2010 Paintings | Christopher Baer

2010 Paintings | Christopher Baer

2010 Paintings | Christopher Baer
To view the entire collection pieces in the show, click here.
For more details about the show's opening, click here.

If you are in the Richmond area, please join me for the opening.  Liz and I will be there.


  1. Chris- I am really enjoying the boldness of this new work. As you say in your statement, the more you meditate on each field, the more you discover. I have always found that to be true with the painting of yours that we have at our house. Excellent to see the work continually evolving!

  2. Thanks Rebecca, the techniques to apply and manage paint keep improving. The struggle is finding ever more time to dig in, but I recently resolved to put painting and art back on the front burner.

    The next time you guys roll through the DC area we need to connect. You are probably the oldest friend I have in this game seeing the we met at 16 years old at Governor's School in VA. I never dreamed when we met that we'd stay so tight. Love to you and the family.
